Support: Issue Trackers

For issues which will always be relevant, or which pertain to long-term strategic decisions concerning the future development of the Damascus project, the best place to record these issues is in one of the project's issue trackers. This allows each specific issue to be tracked and managed over the lifespan of the project, and provides a historical record documenting why specific decisions were made.

Damascus Trackers

Submitting A New Tracker

This is an example demonstrating the addition of a Feature Request. Bug Reports and Support Requests work the same way.

Go to the Damascus SourceForge home page: <>.

Click "Request Feature" in the menu bar (below the title, above the tab bar).

If you are not logged in to SourceForce yet, log in. There is a link on the left entitled "Login via SSL". (After you log in, you may need to click this link again: <>.)

On the Feature Request page, click "Submit New".

Select the appropriate "Category" and "Group" for your request. "Category" is the general subject of your feature request. "Group" is the version of the Damascus that you are requesting be modified.

Fill in a meaningful "Summary" (such that the Summary makes it obvious at a glance what feature you are requesting), and then give the whole scoop in the "Detailed Description".

"Submit", and you are done.

Monitoring Issue Trackers

You may view a list of all the issue trackers that you have submitted by clicking the "my" button at the top of the SourceForge page.

What Is Damascus?

Damascus is a web-based digital music server. It features Jukebox Mode (play on local stereo), Streaming Mode, a searchable database, easy installation, a simple user interface, reading of ID3 tag data, dynamic playlists, random streams, random play by artist, genre, or album, browsing of the collection by artist or genre, album art downloading through Amazon API, AudioScrobbler submission, and detailed play statistics.



Damascus is free, open-source software, and is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).


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